Packet crafting is the art of creating something skillfully all the vulnerability assessment tools used by network administrators to test the security of their networks are both a blessing and a curse because the same set of tools can also be used by bad guys to find vulnerabilities and then exploit those to their benefit. Packet crafting is the art of creating a packet according to various requirements to carry out attacks and exploit vulnerabilities in a network. It’s mainly used to penetrate a network’s structure. This technique is to try to simulate an attack and identify the properties of a network in which they are commonly used to invade firewalls and intrusion detection software. In packet crafting attacker firstly assemble the packets selects the network to be cracked, collects the possible vulnerability information, and creates the packet and designs it in such a modified way that it should be invisible while passing through a network. The image shows the basic Ethernet packet as well as the TCPIP packet frame that rides on top of it to understand it in a better way.

After assembling the packets attackers edit the packets in such a way that maximum information could be retrieved by injecting a minimum number of packets. When the packets are ready, packet playing sends them to the targeted machine and collects the resultant packets for further analysis. The Ethernet frame contains multiple fields that typically take care of Layer-2 communication, whereas the TCP and IP packet chunks carry data fields for the upper layers. The TCP port of the packet ensures a successful transport, while the IP packet contains the source and destination addresses and ports. The Ethernet frame contains multiple fields that typically take care of Layer-2 communication, whereas the TCP and IP packet chunks carry data fields for the upper layers. The TCP port of the packet ensures a successful transport, while the IP packet contains the source and destination addresses and ports. The sent packets are received by the attacker and they are analyzed to extract the information. Various sniffing tools like Wireshark, tcpdump, dsniff, etc. are used for this purpose. This step gives a route to the targeted system or at least gives attackers enough data to tune up the attack.

Packet Crafting is a serious crime Using such crafted packets, a traffic firewall, and IDP could be breached. From the above test, we can agree to the fact that packet crafting is a serious issue that should be taken care of.
Tools For Packet Crafting: Hping, Nemesis, Netcat, Scapy, Socat.